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An adult and a child walk down a grassy path with tyre tracks in a forest. The adult has their arm around the shoulders of the child. Three children can be seen in the distance playing, wearing brightly coloured coats

Leave a gift in your will

By making a gift of your life insurance or RRSP, you leave a lasting impact on future generations. Easy ways to make a difference with Ecojustice.

Leave a bequest to Ecojustice in your will

With a gift in your will to Ecojustice you can create a safer, healthier future for all Canadians, and our wildlife and natural spaces. It’s a statement of your values and commitment to protecting the environment.

For over 30 years, Ecojustice has strengthened environmental law in Canada. Together, we have protected pollinators from bee-killing pesticides, stood up for Pacific Wild salmon under threat from disease, and put the brakes on dirty pipeline projects. Yet the demand for our work keeps growing. Human-caused climate change is impacting communities worldwide, and scientists have warned us of what’s ahead. Courageous action is needed to prevent disaster, and Ecojustice is gearing up for legal action that will safeguard the climate for future generations.

That’s why, after providing for your loved ones, we invite you to consider a gift in your will to Ecojustice Canada Society. A safe climate is the most important gift we can give the next generation.

How to leave a gift in your will

When you’re ready to write your will, we recommend meeting with a legal professional to ensure your wishes are clear and easy for your executor to carry out. There are many ways you can align your legacy with environmental protection, including:

However you choose to leave a gift to Ecojustice, please note the following:

Legal name: Ecojustice Canada Society

Address: Suite 390, 425 Carrall Street, Vancouver BC V6B 6E3

Charitable registration number: 13474 8474 RR0001

Frequently asked questions

“I feel concerned and wonder what will be left for future generations to enjoy. This is what drives my passion.”

Ecojustice legacy donors Kathie Woodley and Bill Heidrick

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